Posts tagged as

Ryan Nall

SGIM & AAIM Annual Meetings

Recently several GIM faculty traveled to the 2022 Annual Meeting of SGIM and AAIM. These two organizations are comprised of leading academic general internists whose missions include improvements in Internal Medicine, enhancements in the education of our future medical leaders, and advances in…

Division of General Internal Medicine Awards 2018-2019

Congratulations to our General Internal Medicine Faculty on their recent achievements. Thank you for your commitment to our patients! Top Faculty Mentor Margaret Lo, MD Patients First Award for Outstanding Dedication to Your Patients Sierra Almengual, PA-C Neal Holland, DO Sharon Aroda, MD Jeffrey Budd,…

Contemporary Challenges in Medical Education

Contemporary Challenges in Medical Education: From Theory to Practice is now available! This publication is a great resource for educators and students entering the practice of clinical medicine. Contributors include Zareen Zaidi, associate professor of medicine and associate chief of faculty development in the division of general internal medicine, Eric…

Interprofessional collaboration in a transitional care management clinic: A qualitative analysis of health professionals experiences

Case Report Summary: Given the relative newness of primary care interprofessional collaboration, exploration of team members perspectives about their team experience can provide insights about the benefits and detractions of interprofessional collaboration in primary care delivery.   Nichole E. Stetten, Melanie G. Hagen, Ryan W. Nall, Katherine Vogel Anderson, Erik…

The GIM Open House was a great success!

The inaugural Division of General Internal Medicine Open House held on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 was a great success. Attendees enjoyed hot hors d’oeuvres, resident clinical vignette presentations and a faculty panel discussion focused on career opportunities in academic internal medicine.   Dr. Jason Chertoff presented “A Decade…