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Dr. Alois’ Prestigious Promotion

We are pleased to announce Dr. Marika Alois’ appointment to the Elizabeth Dell Scheveling Integrative Medicine Professorship. This prestigious recognition reflects Dr. Alois’ unwavering dedication and expertise in the field of medical education. …

Dr. Guerra Leads EAC Mobile Food Pharmacy Drive

The UF Equal Access Clinic, which provides free care to underserved communities, hosted a holiday food drive through their Mobile Food Pharmacy. The drive focused on collecting healthy food donations for patients with conditions such as Hypertension, Diabetes, and Kidney disease. In total we collected 220 pounds of food from…

Faculty Represent UF at ACLM 2024

ACLM’s conference is the premiere lifestyle medicine continuing education event where attendees gather online and in-person to learn about the latest research, explore implementation models, and hear about cutting-edge advancements in the field from top experts. Dr. Nisha D’Souza & Dr. Nundia Louis…

Recommendations for Clinicians, Technologists, and Healthcare Organizations on the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: A Position Statement from the Society of General Internal Medicine.

Generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) is a new technology with potentially broad applications across important domains of healthcare, but serious questions remain about how to balance the promise of generative AI against unintended consequences from adoption of these tools. In this position statement, we provide recommendations on behalf of the…

Associations Between Social Determinants of Health and Outcomes of Chronic Medical Conditions

Social determinants of health, such as food insecurity, can significantly impact patient welfare, potentially increasing the prevalence of chronic illnesses while hindering their management, as shown in previous data collected by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. This study aimed to investigate the association between food insecurity and other…

Internal Medicine Emergency Response Training

The UF College of Medicine recently led a series of emergency response workshops and simulations throughout UF Health’s internal medicine clinics in Gainesville, aimed at ensuring outpatient clinicians are up to date on best practices and feel comfortable using equipment in the event of a patient emergency.

Top 10 in Patient Satisfaction

Congratulations to our Kanapaha, Medical Plaza, and Springhill Clinical teams for making the Top 10 in patient experience! This is an incredible achievement and reflects our commitment to delivering exceptional, high-quality care. We value your dedication to providing comprehensive, coordinated, and accessible healthcare services that prioritize the needs and preferences…

A systematic review and narrative synthesis of health literacy interventions among Spanish speaking populations in the United States: BMC Public Health

While many populations struggle with health literacy, those who speak Spanish preferentially or exclusively, including Hispanic, immigrant, or migrant populations, may face particular barriers, as they navigate a predominantly English-language healthcare system. This population also faces greater morbidity and mortality from treatable chronic diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes. The…

Celebrating Dr. Alois and Dr. Sheer’s New Heights

Congratulations on your promotions to Associate Professor! We are grateful to share this milestone in your academic careers. This accomplishment highlights the quality and impact of your contributions to the University, your profession, and society. Marika Alois, MD is a physician within the Division of General Internal…

Faculty Represent UF at SGIM 2024

This meeting aims to enhance the skills of academic general internists and those interested in medical education, research, healthcare delivery, policy, and clinical general internal medicine. Attendees engage in lectures, workshops, and poster presentations to create a personalized educational experience. Topics include best practices, research findings, clinical cases, and skill-building…

Dr. Michael Robinson wins Rising Star Award

The rising star award recognizes exceptional faculty whose actions and activities consistently exemplify clinical excellence beyond expected level. Recipients of this award demonstrate exceptional skill and enthusiasm for patient care, show consistent dedication to quality measures and efficiency, as well as embrace innovations in their chosen field. Congratulations…

Dr. Carolyn Stalvey wins Clinical Excellence Award

The Clinical Excellence Award honors faculty members who embody outstanding patient care, lead in clinical innovation, and significantly impact patients, staff, peers, and trainees. Recipients demonstrate humanistic and compassionate patient care, excel in leading multidisciplinary teams, mentor junior colleagues and trainees, and adeptly deliver high-quality, evidence-based care at the bedside.

2023-2024 Exemplary Teaching Award Winners

Each year, distinguished faculty members from each division are nominated for this esteemed award and participate in a college-wide competition. Honorees are selected based on their exemplary teaching of medical students, residents, fellows, graduate students, and post-docs, as well as their exceptional mentorship of fellow faculty. Our 2023…

Division End of The Year Awards Ceremony 2024

Congratulations to all of our well-deserved award recipients on their exceptional achievements! Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our patients and to the Division. Patients First Award For outstanding dedication to your patients. Sierra Almengual, PA-C Eric Dietrich, Pharm. D. Allison Gallup, PA-C…

Ryan Nall, MD Presents at AI4Health

UF College of Medicine hosts their second Annual AI4Health event. Seeking to enhance healthcare by utilizing Artificial Intelligence, exploring how AI-driven breakthroughs will revolutionize clinical approaches and enhance patient well-being. This three-day event features healthcare professionals from around the nation, collaborating and discussing various topics related to the use of…

GIM Achieves Patient-Centered Recognition

Congratulations to the Medical Plaza and Kanapaha Clinic teams on another year of achieving Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) recognition! This is truly a remarkable accomplishment and is a testament to the dedication shown in providing exceptional and high-quality care to our patients. Through attaining PCMH recognition, you’ve showcased a commitment…

The Society of General Internal Medicine’s Recommendations to Improve LGBTQ + Health

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and other sexual and gender minority (LGBTQ +) individuals experience bias in healthcare with 1 in 6 LGBTQ + adults avoiding healthcare due to anticipated discrimination and overall report poorer health status compared to heterosexual and cisgendered peers. The Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM)…

Faculty Represent UF at AIMW24

GIM faculty attend and present at Academic Internal Medicine Week. AIMW24 aligns with the missions of Internal Medicine to provide a unique environment for collaboration and professional evolution among medical professionals from across the nation. Featured topics include departmental and program finances, faculty and leadership development, as…

Charlotte Chaiklin, MD Presents at AIMW24

Dr. Chaiklin collaborates with others to present “(Ear) Budding Potential: Medical Podcasts to Supplement Curriculum and Learning” at the Curbsiders TEACH event. Podcasts are now one of the most common asynchronous learning strategies used by trainees. Studies indicate…

New Faculty Joins Division

GIM is delighted to welcome three new faculty members to our Division and clinics. We’re thrilled to have you on the team! Lucy Guerra, MD, MPH, FACP is located at our Springhill Clinic. Nundia Louis,…

COVID As a Catalyst:

Medical students become physicians not only through their mastery of biomedical knowledge, but through the process of Professional Identity Formation (PIF). Students move through “stages over time during which the characteristics, values, and norms of the medical profession are internalized, resulting in an individual thinking, acting, and feeling like a physician.” This…

Epidural Pain Management in Gastric Cancer

Bowel obstruction secondary to malignancy, referred to as malignant bowel obstruction (MBO), occurs in 5%–13% of all patients with cancer. MBOs aremost commonly associated not only with cancers ofthe colon and ovaries but also occurs in 6%–19%of patients with stomach malignancy.1 Mechanisms…

Division of General Internal Medicine Awards 2023

Congratulations to the award recipients on their achievements. Thank you for your commitment to our patients and Division! Above and Beyond Award For outstanding dedication to the division. Allison Wrieden, P.A.-C. Patients First Award For outstanding dedication to your patients.

Public Health is Local

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed significant gaps in the nation’s public health infrastructure at the local, state, and federal levels. In particular, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) faced bipartisan criticism from multiple stakeholders, …

Dr. Margaret Lo Receives 2022 INSPIRE Award

American Medical Women’s Association recognizes accomplished women physicians who exemplify the highest values in vision, integrity, service, and collaboration in medicine.

Effectiveness Self-Measurement of Blood Pressure

Is self-monitoring of blood pressure using an enhanced device that pairs with a connected smartphone application more effective in reducing systolic blood pressure than self-monitoring using a standard device?…

Division Chief Named Associate Dean

As associate dean for CME, Rosenberg will lead the college’s efforts in keeping his peers updated on the latest research and medicine trends to better inform the care they provide. Rosenberg, who joined the UF faculty in 2000, has long enjoyed teaching physician audiences. He has done so at the…

Dr. Ryan Nall Receives 2022 Hippocratic Award

Associate Professor Ryan Nall, M.D., receives the 2022 UF College of Medicine Hippocratic Award. The award is presented annually to a faculty member who embodies humanism, professionalism, and teaching prowess.

Division of General Internal Medicine Awards 2022

Congratulations to the award recipients on their achievements. Thank you for your commitment to our patients! Faculty Mentorship Award For outstanding commitment to your mentees. Rebecca Beyth, M.D., M.Sc Patients First Award For outstanding dedication to your patients. Sierra…

SGIM & AAIM Annual Meetings

Recently several GIM faculty traveled to the 2022 Annual Meeting of SGIM and AAIM. These two organizations are comprised of leading academic general internists whose missions include improvements in Internal Medicine, enhancements in the education of our future medical leaders, and advances in…

Destigmatizing Obesity And Overcoming Barriers

Weight stigma is particularly prevalent and detrimental, especially in healthcare settings. With documented high levels of weight bias in clinicians, patients with obesity receive poorer care and have worse outcomes. This activity reviews the stigma associated with obesity and highlights tools the healthcare team may use to help destigmatize…

Improving Burnout and Well-Being Among Residents

With growing resident burnout, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education issued new requirements for program interventions to optimize resident well-being. Little evidence exists on how to best teach resiliency to residents. This study assesses the impact of both a grassroots intervention and formal resiliency curriculum on resident burnout and well-being.

Three-year Clinical Interventions – DOAC

Direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) are increasingly utilized for the prevention of thrombotic events. Unlike warfarin they do not require drug-level monitoring making dedicated DOAC monitoring uncommon. The purpose of this study is to describe the interventions made by a DOAC monitoring service over 3 years.

Cannabidiol Oil – Time to Talk to Older Adults.

Cannabis use, either as medical marijuana or Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is becoming more popular and prevalent in all age groups, including older adults. CBD oil is more appropriate for some, since it does not have psychoactive properties and is proving effective in the treatment of a number of chronic medical…

Screening for and Managing the Person with Frailty

Frailty is now a well-recognized and common syndrome among older persons (1-3). Frailty is a syndrome which increases the risk of an older person to develop disability or to die when exposed either to physical or psychosocial stressors (4, 5). Although frailty, disability and multimorbidity often…