Travel Authorization Request To ensure your travel is processed as efficiently as possible, our office will require the following items before we can enter the travel request. Step 1 of 5 - Travel Authorization 0% HiddenTA# Name* Please enter your first & last name.UFID* Event Start Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Event End Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Name of Travel Event* Location and Purpose of Travel*Provide address of destination.Booking Assistance* Yes No Please select if you will need assistance from the administrative office with booking. Form of Transportation* Car Rental Air Hotel None Please select all of the types of travel that will be necessary for this event. Funding Source* Please provide the source of funds you intend to use to cover expenses. (T&D, residual, etc.) Air Travel* Yes No Select yes or no, if air travel will be needed. If yes, please complete the following sections. If no please click next. Departure City Arrival City Departure Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Return Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Ground Travel* Yes - Personal Car Yes - Rental Car No Select method of ground travel. If none is needed please continue to the next section. Rental Pickup Please provide rental pickup city, date, and time. Rental Return Please provide rental drop off city, date, and time. Lodging* Yes No Please select yes if hotel accommodations will be necessary. If no, continue to next section. If yes, please provide requested information. Number of NightsProvide total number of nights needed for trip.Rate info Please provide any conference room booking specials. Website Copy & paste the hotel URL above Total Cost Estimate*Please provide an estimate for the cost of this travel. Include registration fees, travel costs, etc.Additonal CommentsProvide any additional information and cost explanation that will be useful in completing your travel request.Travel Documents Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 125 MB, Max. files: 4. Please attach any documents pertaining to this request. (Conference registration, schedule, agenda etc.) See travel consent below for list of required documents.Consent* I agree to the Travel policy.The UF travel office requires a copy of the conference registration form, conference program, conference agenda and original receipts – no exceptions. By checking this box I hereby certify this travel is for official business of the University of Florida and will be performed for the purposes stated. NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.