With implementation of the Affordable Care Act and core requirements from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, directors of graduate medical education (GME) programs must create robust ambulatory teaching environments for residents. Success requires effective recruitment, remuneration, and retention of high-quality ambulatory faculty. The recent AAIM Perspectives article1 and the 2017 Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine (AAIM)/ Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) position paper 2 provided several recommendations to support and engage ambulatory faculty. Yet literature identifies multiple challenges in recruiting and retaining ambulatory clinician educators, 3-7 with 40% of program directors 8 and 54% of department chairs1 acknowledging difficulty. The myriad barriers and pressures in ambulatory GME teaching has elevated this issue to a high priority for the AAIM community. In this cross-sectional study, AAIM investigates current barriers for ambulatory educators to teach residents and identify pragmatic, high-value strategies to incentivize faculty participation in resident ambulatory teaching. The intent of this AAIM position paper is to increase communication and establish groundwork for best practices to recruit, retain, and reward high-quality ambulatory faculty.
Lo, M. C. et al., (2020), Identifying Solutions to Ambulatory Faculty Recruitment, and Remuneration in Graduate Medical Education: AN AAIM Position Paper, The American Journal of Medicine, Volume 133, Issue 3, 386 – 394 doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2019.11.001